This hands-on workshop challenges pupils to build a solar powered car, collect data on how their car performs when charged to different voltages and then plot a graph to predict the voltage required for their design to reach a set target.
Pupils discuss the significance of both engineering and energy in their daily lives and evaluate the pros and cons of various energy generation strategies for the future.

‘Energy Quest’ sessions can cater for up to 30 students and runs for 2 hours, however timings are flexible and the session can be tailored to work around the school timetable.

You can find out more by visiting Tomorrow's Engineers

This workshop satisfies the following aspects of the curriculum

- Measuring and estimating
- Collecting and recording data
- Interpreting results
- Constructing appropriate graphs

- Use and understand technical terms
- Communicate ideas and agree actions in groups

- Increase awareness of STEM subjects and engineering in the world around us
- Promote growth mindset
- Develop teamwork, communication and time management skills
- Raise awareness about different careers in the STEM sector