The activity and the skills developed through engaging with the project will help develop the important range of employability skills which are fundamental to the Welsh Baccalaureate.

WJEC Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate
The focus of the Skills Challenge Certificate will be on the essential and employability skills you will need in the future and these skills will be developed and assessed through an Individual Project and three Challenges.
The Welsh Baccalaureate aims to enable you to develop and demonstrate an understanding of and proficiency in essential and employability skills.  These are the skills that employers and next-stage educators value and which you need for learning, work and life. The seven essential and employability skills are Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Literacy, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Planning and Organisation, Creativity and Innovation and Personal Effectiveness, all of which can be developed through the EESW Project. 

EESW will allow a maximum of 8 members per team, however, if you intend using your project for the Welsh Baccalaureate your team cannot exceed 6 members.  

Enterprise and Employability Challenge
At this level you can complete this challenge as an individual or as a member of a team consisting of 3 to 6 members.  However, if you choose an individual approach it is an expectation that you would work with others at some stage during the completion of the activity. It is envisaged that you will choose an innovation venture which allows you to focus on your possible future destination. Participation in the EESW Project is recognised as a way of achieving this Challenge.  

Individual Project
The Welsh Baccalaureate also requires you to submit an Individual Project.
The close link with a company gained through engagement with the EESW Project gives you a focus for an Individual Project.  This should be distinct from the project itself but there are many peripheral opportunities to fulfil this part of the Baccalaureate.