“Being part of the EESW has been an incredible experience for both myself as a teacher and for the learners I mentor. In a sector where it can sometimes be difficult for a teacher to keep up-to-date with emerging technologies in local STEM companies, I have found that having the chance to work with engineers in South Wales has been invaluable to my practice as a teacher. My knowledge of the work experience and job opportunities that are available to my students after their GCSE years or after A-Level has been enhanced; I am now able to give careers advice to my learners with confidence as a direct result of my participation in the EESW. This extra knowledge has also directly influenced my ability to meet the requirement of including a 'welsh dimension' in lessons."
"Taking part in the EESW has, without a shadow of doubt, enhanced the essential skills of each and every student that has participated. The students who have participated in the EESW have enjoyed an unrivalled opportunity to develop their ability to communicate, work as a team, develop ideas and create. Moreover, working with a local STEM company has enabled them to see what it is like in the world of work; an experience that cannot be delivered in a classroom and improves their future employability."
“I have found the EESW has been invaluable in terms of developing my students. Every single student who has done EESW has put the project on their personal statement or in their UCAS applications or in as a significant part of their application for apprenticeships. Students have even taken apprenticeships in the company they have done a project with.
It encourages teamwork and gives the students a real and valuable experience of presentation. It has been cited by them all as extremely valuable (otherwise I would not do it every year) and by one as "the best thing I did in School".
“We are actively involved in STEM activities and has good links with schools, colleges and universities so being involved in this challenge was an extension of the community engagement we are already involved in. It was interesting to consider a problem that isn’t in our normal field of interest and provide an opportunity for a wider discussion in our team to produce a challenge that was relevant to the student’s course of study. Staff involved gain CPD and it has maintained our profile.”
“I think we have benefited from a raised profile in the local area as we are quite new to south Wales. Hopefully we have built some links with local education which will grow in the future.”
“I really enjoyed the opportunity to engage with a school and Students and assist in their development. As we are becoming increasingly active in Community Engagement I think this EESW type of event fits well with our approach to Community Engagement.”
“It was something a little out of the ordinary and gave the people involved in the project within the company a real sense of satisfaction and achievement in helping the students. Also good from a social/corporate responsibility point of view while getting the profile of the company raised in the local area.”
“We were presented with a viable solution to our problem, which we will be looking to implement in the near future.”